About Registration



Q. 报名截止日期是什么?When is the closing date of registration?

Registration will close on 7 June 2024 6pm (Friday).


Q. 参加研讨会需要付费吗?Do I have to pay to take part in the seminar?


No, participants do not need to pay.


Q. 我如何知道我是否报名成功?How do I know if my registration is successful?









All applicants will receive an email from us in June.


Successful applicants will receive an email from us starting from late June, stating the workshop that you have been allocated to.


Please contact us at the email below if you do not hear from us by 3rd July 2024.

Email: contactus@cpcllpreschseminar2024.sg


Q. 谁可以报名参加研讨会?Who can register for the seminar?



The Seminar is only open for registration to preschool educators currently employed by centres registered with ECDA. Participants must also either be a Singapore Citizen (SC) or Permanent Resident (PR). Members of public who do not meet the criteria above are not eligible to register or participate. Please also note that each centre can only register a maximum of 2 participants.



Q. 我不是新加坡公民,也不是永久居民,请问我可以报名吗?Is this Seminar only open to Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents only? If I am a foreigner / long term pass holder, can I register for this Seminar?


主办方将优先考虑新加坡公民(Singapore Citizen)或永久居民(Permanent Resident)。至于非公民,主办方将根据个别情况处理。


We would like to seek your understanding that priority will be given to registrants who are Singapore Citizens (SC) or Permanent Residents (PR), for the Seminar for Preschool Chinese Language Teachers 2024. Interested parties who are not SCs or PRs will be considered at a later date on a case-by-case basis, subject to availability.


Through various events and projects over the years, the Committee to Promote Chinese Language Learning (CPCLL) aims to mobilise the local community in organising activities to support the teaching and learning of Chinese Language, as well as complement activities of the local schools, clusters and Centres of Excellence.



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