


Q. 举办学前华文教师研讨会的目的是什么?

What is the “Seminar for Preschool Chinese Language Teachers 2024” about?




The “Seminar for Preschool Chinese Language Teachers” is an annual event organized by the Committee to Promote Chinese Language Learning (CPCLL). It aims to enhance preschool CL teachers' professional skills and grow their professional support network. The theme for this year is “Children’s Play and Exploration”.


Q. 今年研讨会的活动亮点是什么?

What can I look forward to at this year's Seminar?




The theme for this year's Seminar is “Children’s Play and Exploration”. Highlights for this year's event include keynote lectures and concurrent sharing workshops conducted by overseas and local early childhood experts, practical sharing sessions by experienced teachers, the launch of our new Teaching Aid Booklet, the Award Presentation Ceremony for the Preschool Chinese Language Storytelling Aids Competition 2024, and a physical exhibition featuring the storytelling aids from this year's finalists. The Seminar will be conducted in Mandarin.



Q. 请说明学前教师研讨会的活动详情。Please provide more details about the seminar.




The seminar will be held at Euonia Junior College on 13 July 2024. Participants can start to register at 9am.



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